Desk Day 19

Penultimate day in the offices for

I’m helping with all the content, which is giving me a lot of writing and researching experience.

We need it to be as interesting and wide-ranging as possible to cover all that Lincolnshire has to offer.

Writing the articles requires accuracy, but also it must be search engine optimised. The content has to adhere to the search engine’s rules for it to be a top result. The whole process isn’t a straight forward as it seems. Nonethless, I am relishing the challenge.

Getting a website to be fully comprehensive is a time consuming task!



Desk Day 18

Today I tried a snack from a Graze box.

It contained dried blackcurrants, apple and strawberries.

I was a bit suspicious of the dried strawberry, it didn’t look in the least bit appetising.

Surprisingly, it tasted really quite pleasant!

Garden of England snack

Garden of England snack

A dried strawberry

A dried strawberry



Desk Day 17

Today I learnt a lot about Search Engine Optimisation which could mean that I might be a very useful employee to a business some day.

As I walked to work, many Lincoln University students had just graduated in the Cathedral. It was a real sight to see them all walking to the Castle in their gowns.



Desk Day 16


Still going at, will be dabbling at it for September. I get sweets and grapes to snack on as I research and write.

There is more to do in Lincolnshire than first meets the eye. If you like classic cars and Lincolnshire sausages you may as well never leave the county.

Have been doing a lot of cropping like this for the website.

Have been doing a lot of cropping like this for the website.

Desk Day 15

Writing content for the website was fun today.

I’m getting to know things about my county that I never knew!

I’m also picking up lots of tips about writing and running websites.


Desk Day 14

Today I started a new work experience placement at

I am now a contributor to the website which is really fantastic!

The office is in a lovely location in the centre of town.

As I was waiting for the lift, this little picturesque view crept up on me!

Lincoln Cathedral

Lincoln Cathedral

Desk Day 13

Last day at Timico! Cake enjoyed by all.

I have learnt a lot, and gained an insight into all the components that make a business work.

I also learnt that they call each-other ‘mate’ a lot.

I will have to pop back again sometime.

Look out for where Desk Day will take me next.

Finished at Timico 'mate'

Finished at Timico ‘mate’

Desk Day 12

Spent the day mainly writing blogs and doing personal admin bits and bobs -who’d have thought that Google Authorship could be so stressful?

Dad and I went to Boundary Mills a.k.a the Granny Shop during lunch. The shop assistants’ uniforms are like something out of the eighties, that shop is a time warp. Also I couldn’t move for clearance signs, not that a sale is a bad thing.

Admin stress

Admin stress

I recently reused some glass bottles to make centre pieces at Mum and Dad’s 25th Wedding Anniversary party, I do like a bit of art and craft. This is how it all came about and how I achieved the end product.

When I was on the Welsh Highland Railway during my summer holidays, I decided to take home two empty glass bottles, which had previously contained apple juice and lemonade (if you were interested, they were the Fentiman’s ones). I thought they looked quite vintage, and it would be a good idea to reuse them, rather than sending them onto the refreshment trolley and into the recycling bin.

I began collecting more and more of these bottles, jam jars and mini jam jars because it came to me that I could create centre pieces out of them for the anniversary party that was coming up. I had seen YouTube demonstrations of people colouring bottles by coating the insides of the bottle with paint, particularly as wedding decoration ideas. This was a cheap and easy idea that I knew it could try.

For me, this project wasn’t just cheap- it was free! I didn’t pay for the drinks that came in the bottles, nor did I pay for the paint. I raided my Grandparents’ garage (top tip, you find allsorts in there) whilst we were staying at their house on the Isle of Man, and used normal tins of emulsion paint. You’re supposed to use acrylic paint but I normally cut corners (usually in baking, essays etc.).

I put some off-white paint in some bottles, and some pure white in others, to see which would give the best effect. I swirled the paint round inside the bottles, and then stood them to stand upside down in milk cartons. The excess paint could now drain out and the cartons would catch it.

I encountered some problems whilst doing this. Because I wasn’t using the right paint, it didn’t really stick to the inside of the bottles well and tended just to drain out. Also, because I was, in essence, simply transferring paint from one container to the other, it didn’t want to dry. Air couldn’t get in to the narrow necks of the bottles so it took a very long time.

For the centre pieces, I left some of the bottles clear to create variety. The bottles were different shapes and sizes for a bit of interest and to make it look unique. I bought some pink roses to put in all the bottles for a pop of colour.

The assembly took some time, and I had some very helpful cousins joining in, but here’s how I did it:

1)       Cut squares of silver wrapping paper and equal sized squares of silver organza.

2)      Laid the two layers together and blue tacked them to the table on the diagonal.

3)      Arranged a scalloped napkin (found in Peel charity shop) and some paper doilies on top.

4)      Placed on a few bottles with ribbon tied round them.

5)      Trimmed the flowers and along with those added the water to the bottles.

I was happy with the finished product because it wasn’t overpowering, but looked cute, vintage and suitable for a wedding anniversary.


Bottles with the insides coated with paint

Bottles with the insides coated with paint


Letting the excess paint drain out.

Letting the excess paint drain out.


My helpful cousins assembling the centre pieces

My helpful cousins assembling the centre pieces


Before putting the flowers in.

Before putting the flowers in.


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Desk Day 11

Got to go to a PR agency today for a meeting, which was really interesting!

All the brainstorming of ideas made me think back to doing school projects, where you got put in to groups and everyone suggested ideas to make a cracking presentation.

Our history videos were BBC documentary-worthy. ‘Inside the Keep’ was a particular favourite of mine, where we created a TV show/musical about medieval weaponry.

I got given the opportunity to write a blog for the BCS Agency website. Look out for that .

At the BCS office

At the BCS office

Some of the work that BCS have done

Some of the work that BCS have done